Thursday, October 10, 2013

kavling siap bangun, lahan investasi,perluasan BSD

. Kavling siap bangun, luas 175 m2, lokasi jalan cisauk raya (terusan bsd boulevard), komplek perumahan bermis, depan/ berhadapan dengan real estate garden serpong, pinggir jalan aspal beton,  dekat stasiun ka cisauk, jaringan listrik pln.
Lot ready to build, area 175 m2, the location of roads cisauk highway (bsd canalboulevard), a housing complex bermis, front / dealing with real estate serpong garden,asphalt concrete sidewalk, near the railway station cisauk, grid, complete letter / cert
.Kavling siap bangun, luas 175 m2, lokasi jalan cisauk raya,(terusan bsd boulevard), serpong,   komplek perumahan bermis, depan/ berhadapan dengan real estate garden serpong, dekat stasiun ka cisauk. 
Lot ready to build, area 175 m2, cisauk, highway location, near bsd west boulevard, at bermis housing complex, a head dealing with serpong garden, near the railway station cisauk.

lokasi : seberang jalan dan depan real estate "garden serpong", perumahan elite, untuk investasi : dijamin harga pasti naik tiap tahun....
startegic location, closser bsd real estate, the elite area, across the street and the front of the real estate garden serpong, for future investment, guaranteed prices would go up every year, fantastic...

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