Customary house the stage house roof thatching and the floors made of split bamboo "pelupuh" the door. While the walls were made of the chamber ("gedek", as bamboo for wallhouse ). For the buffer stage house is a stone that has been made in such a way that the tip-shaped beam decreasing as the base stone used for pounding rice. This custom home is still found in areas inhabited by people Kanekes or also called the Baduy, Banten, west java.
== KAVLING....KAVLING.....SIAP BANGUN............+++

Tanah Kavling : 10 x 15 m = 150 m2.
Tanah siap bangun, Jaringan listrik PLN,
Akses Jalan sebagian sudah aspal/ tanah ,
Letak Desa Tanjakan Mekar, Rajeg,Tangerang
( dekat bandara, prospek kedepan sangat mendukung )
Harga Kontan : Rp.30 juta (termasuk surat AJB )
Biaya administrasi Rp. .....,-
Kavling Sudut /kelebihan tanah Rp. ....... per meter
Hub : herry trismono : 081584180999, or : 0818743037
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