Monday, January 13, 2014

KAVLING.........Siap Bangun.........

Real foto ; LOKASI sesuai dengan yang diatas


MasihTERSEDIA....stock kavling ....... 

Tanah Kavling : 10 x 15 m  = 150 m2.  Tanah siap bangun, 

Jaringan listrik PLN, 
Akses Jalan sebagian sudah aspal/ tanah , 
Letak Desa Tanjakan Mekar, Rajeg,Tangerang

(dekat bandara, prospek kedepan sangat mendukung )
Harga Kontan  : Rp.30  juta (termasuk surat AJB )

Biaya administrasi  Rp........... 
Kavling Sudut /kelebihan tanah  Rp. .................... per meter 
Hub : herry trismono : 081584180999 or. 0818743037.
email :

lokasi, dikanan dan kiri jalan, foto diatas

Land Lot10 x 15 m = 150 m2.
Land ready to buildelectricity networks,
Access road has been partially paved / soil,
The village lies the Rise BloomsRajegTangerang
(near the airportthe future outlook is very supportive)
Cash PriceRp.30 million (including letter of AJB)

Administrative costs Rp.........................., -
Corner Lot / excess land Rp. ....................... per meter
Hubherry trismono081584180999

Thursday, October 10, 2013

kavling siap bangun, lahan investasi,perluasan BSD

. Kavling siap bangun, luas 175 m2, lokasi jalan cisauk raya (terusan bsd boulevard), komplek perumahan bermis, depan/ berhadapan dengan real estate garden serpong, pinggir jalan aspal beton,  dekat stasiun ka cisauk, jaringan listrik pln.
Lot ready to build, area 175 m2, the location of roads cisauk highway (bsd canalboulevard), a housing complex bermis, front / dealing with real estate serpong garden,asphalt concrete sidewalk, near the railway station cisauk, grid, complete letter / cert
.Kavling siap bangun, luas 175 m2, lokasi jalan cisauk raya,(terusan bsd boulevard), serpong,   komplek perumahan bermis, depan/ berhadapan dengan real estate garden serpong, dekat stasiun ka cisauk. 
Lot ready to build, area 175 m2, cisauk, highway location, near bsd west boulevard, at bermis housing complex, a head dealing with serpong garden, near the railway station cisauk.

lokasi : seberang jalan dan depan real estate "garden serpong", perumahan elite, untuk investasi : dijamin harga pasti naik tiap tahun....
startegic location, closser bsd real estate, the elite area, across the street and the front of the real estate garden serpong, for future investment, guaranteed prices would go up every year, fantastic...

RUMAH DIJUAL, rumah startegis, rumah depan taman

Jl. Mahoni Raya No. 43, Suradita, Serpong, Tangerang.
Lt/Lb : 112/ 40, Depan taman/ lapangan terbuka.
Harga : Rp.410 juta ( nego )/ Price: Rp.410 million (negotiable)

Lokasi strategis, dekat perluasan kawasan BSD, Investasi menguntungkan

peminat hub. herry trismono : 081584180999, 0818743037
email :


Jl. Mahoni Raya No. 43, Suradita, Serpong, Tangerang.
Lt/Lb : 112/ 40, Depan taman/ lapangan terbuka.
Harga : Rp.410 juta ( nego )/ Price: Rp.410 million (negotiable)

peminat hub. herry trismono : 081584180999, 0818743037
email :

Kebun Sengon dan Peternakan Kambing

  jual peternakan kambing beserta
  kebon sengon seluas 1,55. ha.
  kandang kambing untuk 150 ekor, 
  ada rumah tembok penjaga 2km,  km.mandi/ dapur.
  pompa air ada/ listrik pln, jalan aspal/cor .
  lokasi, desa sukadamai, sukamakmur,     jonggol, bogor timur.
  kebun : pohon sengon (jengjeng) ada 430 phn ( 3 thn ).,
  jengkol 218 pohon,   mahoni  56 phn,
  durian 12 phn,
  pisang 15 phn. pete 18, nangka 14,
  jeruk limau : 56, jeruk bali 3, cempaka 11. 
  harga permintaan : Rp.585 juta  (nego )

  hub. herry trismono. ( hp.0818743037 ).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Baduy house, tradisional style

The Baduy house, 
Customary house the stage house roof thatching and the floors made of split bamboo "pelupuh" the door. While the walls were made of the chamber ("gedek", as bamboo for wallhouse ). For the buffer stage house is a stone that has been made in such a way that the tip-shaped beam decreasing as the base stone used for pounding rice. This custom home is still found in areas inhabited by people Kanekes or also called the Baduy, Banten, west java.

== KAVLING....KAVLING.....SIAP BANGUN............+++

Tanah Kavling : 10 x 15 m  = 150 m2.  

Tanah siap bangun, Jaringan listrik PLN, 

Akses Jalan sebagian sudah aspal/ tanah , 

Letak Desa Tanjakan Mekar, Rajeg,Tangerang

( dekat bandara, prospek kedepan sangat mendukung )

Harga Kontan  : Rp.30 juta (termasuk surat AJB )

Biaya administrasi  Rp. .....,-  

Kavling Sudut /kelebihan tanah  Rp. ....... per meter 

Hub : herry trismono : 081584180999, or : 0818743037

email :

Acehnese traditional houses

Acehnese traditional houses called Rumoh Aceh. This custom home-type houses on stilts with 3 main sections and an additional part. Three main parts of Aceh is home seuramoë keuë (front porch), seuramoë Teungoh (central foyer) and seuramoë likot (back porch). While an additional part that is rumoh Dapu (home kitchen). 

kichen, easy to cooking, easy to place to eat

Kitchen literally means a place, usually in the house where the person does the activity of processing and providing of food or food ingredient. This activity is called cooking. But said the kitchen could also refer to these activities, or results rather than activity. 
With the development of culture and technology, the shape of the kitchen is always changing. Modern kitchen planning now to follow the principle that states that the triangle 3 main functions of the kitchen is the storage (such as refrigerators), preparation, and cooking. This principle emphasizes that the three functions, does not preclude each other but both are not too far distance. Some forms of the common kitchen 
The whole function of the above is placed on one wall so that the triangle into a line. This form is less effective but efficient place. 
Another form of the above functions, which are placed on two opposite walls. 
L shape kitchen, where kitchen utensils are placed on two walls that intersect (at angle). 
U shape kitchen, which occupies three walls. 
Sometimes, the kitchen has a place that serves as a place to eat, too.